Week 2 Synopsis
Welcome to my weekly synopsis. I doubt I will do one every week, I may change it and do this at the end of each round in each house. I am not sure yet. So without further ado...
Welcome to 22 Marylyn Drive!
Meet the Johnsen's. Networth: $31,498
James Johnsen: Popularity, Become Mayor, Aquaries, 5,4,4,6,6, turn ons: blondes and make-up, turn off: facial hair.
Relatives: father of Beth, Arie, Mason and Cappuccino, husband of Marisa.
Appearence: skintone 1, black hair, dark-blue eyes.
Accomplishments: nada
Marisa (Bendett) Johnsen: Wealth, Criminal Mastermind, gemeni, 4,7,8,3,3, turn ons: fitness, vampirism, turn off: glasses.
Relatives: mother of Mason and Arie, step-mom of Beth, wife of James.
Appearence: skintone 2, blonde hair, dark-blue eyes.
Accomplishments: nada Arie Johnsen: Grow-up, leo, 5,5,4,6,3.
Relatives: daughter of Marisa and James, sister of Mason, half-sister of Beth.
Appearence: skin tone 2 (1 recessive), dark-blue eyes, black hair (blond).
Mason Johnsen: Grow-up, leo, 5,9,4,6,3.
Relatives: son of Marisa and James, brother of Arie, half-brother of Beth.
Apperence: skintone 1 (2), dark-blue eyes, black hair (blonde).
Next up is 14 Lois Avenue. Meet the Beverages. Networth: $13,678
Cherry Beverage: Romance, Woohoo with 20 Different Sims, capricorn, 7,4,2,6,6, turn ons: fitness, brown hair, turn off: stink.
Relatives: mother of Cola, Sprite, Sodapop, and Cappuccino.
Appearence: skintone 2, red hair, green eyes.
Accomplishments: nada Cappuccino Beverage: Grow-up.
Relatives: son of James and Cherry, half-brother of Beth, Arie, Mason, Cola, Sprite and Sodapop.
Here we have 47 Harris Street.Home of the Curtis Family. Networth: $44,864
Joe Carr: Wealth, Criminal Mastermind, scorpio, 6,5,8,3,3, turn ons: fatness, hats, turn off; vampirism.
Relatives: husband of Tia, step-dad of Hunter and Marshal, father of Carter and Mia.
Appearence: skintone 4, brown hair (naturally), light-blue eyes.
Accomplisments: nada Tia (Curtis) Carr: Pleasure, Become Celebrity Chef, aquaries, 4,5,4,6,6, turn ons: facial hair, black hair, turn off: glasses.
Relatives: wife of Joe, mother of Hunter, Marshal, Carter and Mia.
Appearence: skintone 3, black hair, brown eyes.
Accomplishments: Perma-plat 50 1st dates (her original lifetime want)
Jasmine Disney: Popularity, become General, libra, 3,6,3,6,7, turn ons: cologne, fitness, turn off: make-up.
Relatives: daughter of John and Nala, sister of Donald, Lilo, Jane and Oliver.
Appearence: skintone 4, brown hair, brown eyes.
Accomplishments: graduated from Sim State University.
Hunter Curtis: Wealth, Become Criminal Mastermind, pisces, 5,4,6,3,7, turn ons: fitness, brown hair, turn off: facial hair.
Relatives: son of Tia, step-son of Joe, brother of Marshal, half-brother of Carter and Mia.
Appearence: skintone 3, black hair, brown eyes.
Accomplisments: nada
Marshal Curtis: Popularity, Become Captain Hero, cancer, 6,4,5,4,6, turn ons: formal, make-up, turn off: swimsuits.
Relatives: son of Tia, step-son of Joe, brother of Hunter, half-brother of Carter and Mia.
Appearence: skintone 3, black hair, brown eyes.
Accomplisments: nada Carter Carr: Grow-up.
Relatives: son of Tia and Joe, half-brother of Marshal and Hunter, brother of Mia.
Appearence: skintone 4 (3), brown hair (black), brown eyes (light-blue). Mia Carr: Grow up.
Relatives: daughter of Tia and Joe, sister of Carter, half-sister of Marshal and Hunter.
Appearence: skintone 3 (4), brown hair (black), brown eyes (light blue)
This is 163 Anders Road. Here are the Disneys. Networth: $14,804
John Disney: family, reach Golden Anniversary, capricorn, 7,4,3,6,5, turn ons: make-up, black hair, turn off: fatness.
Relatives: husband of Nala, father of Jasmine, Donald, Lilo, Jane and Oliver.
Appearence: skintone 4, brown hair, brown eyes.
Accomplisments: nada Nala Disney: Knowledge, become Chief of Staff, leo, 4,8,4,4,5, turn ons: fitness, brown hair, turn off: stink.
Relatives: wife of John, mother of Jasmine, Donald, Lilo, Jane and Oliver.
Appearence: skintone 4, black hair, dark-blue eyes.
Accomplisments: nada
Jane Disney: Grow-up, cancer, 7,4,3,4,9.
Relatives: daughter of John and Nala, sister of Jasmine, Donald, Lilo and Oliver.
Appearence: skintone 4, brown hair (black), brown eyes (dark-blue).
Oliver Disney: Grow-up, aries, 7,6,5,6,1.
Relatives: son of John and Nala, bother of Jasmine, Donald, Lilo, and Jane.
Appearence: skintone 4, brown hair (black), brown eyes (dark-blue).
Our last actual household is 4 Martin Close. Here we have the Beverages 02. Networth: $50, 081 (they originally had 460 000 thanx to the Secret Society Glitch (I have both the patches and neither of them helped, so I had to cheat them down a bit.)
Cola Beverages: Popularity, Become Captain Hero,
Relatives: daughter of Cherry, sister of Sprite and Sodapop, half-sister of Cappuccino, fiance of Donald Disney.
Appearence: skintone 2, brown hair, custom purple eyes.
Accomplisments: nada
Sprite Beverages: Family, become Captain Hero,
Relatives: daughter of Cherry, sister of Cola and Sodapop, half-sister of Cappuccino, fiance of Scott Ying.
Appearence: skintone 2, brown hair, custom purple eyes.
Accomplisments: nada
Welcome to Sim State University! Lets take a look at the Young adults...
In the Greek House called CUJH DIBE JACOSP (weird name, but I had good reasoning!)
Donald Disney: Junior, GPA 4.0, engaged to Cola Beverages, Secret Society member, Mathematics.
Lilo Disney: Junior, GPA 4.0, Secret Society Member, Philosophy.
Graduated this week: Jasmine Disney: GPA 4.0, Secret Society Member, History.
Landgraab House Dorms
Beth Johnsen: Junior, GPA 4.0, Secret Society Member, engaged to Sodapop Beverages, Art.
Sodapop Beverages: Junior, GPA 4.0, Secret Society Member, engaged to Beth Johnsen, Psychology.
Graduated: Cola Beverages: GPA 4.0, Secret Society Member, engaged to Donald Disney, Biology.
Scott Ying: Senior, GPA 4.0, Secret Society Member, engaged to Sprite Beverages, Economics.
Graduated: Sprite Beverages: GPA 4.0, Secret Society Member, engaged to Scott Ying, Biology.
So, winners of highest networth are the Beverages 02
Winners of the largest family are the Curtis'
Winners of the most dominant last name are the Beverages.
Next up is my SCORE page!
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