Friday, July 28, 2006

Sim State University

Yep, I finished playing 8 young adults through 2 years of uni. And I survived!! So, we have all the uni students gathered at the Campus Coffee lounge to tell you about the events of their 2 looooooooooooooong years!

Jasmine: Yep, all accounted for. There ended up being quite a few of us at Sim State, we all became tight. We also started to know a lot about eachother.

Cola: Yeah like how Sprite and Scott can't stay off eachother for 5 seconds!

Scott: Being a greek welcome committe isn't much fun. We needed something to do!Jasmine: I refuse to play the peace maker again! Everybody be civil please! Anyway, after everybody grew up (Beth, Lilo and Donald), they pledged and moved into the Greek House.Beth: Here is a pic of us pledging Soda in.Donald: As you can see the Greek House got rather crowded with all 8 of us so Scott and Sprite moved out into Pienut Dorms and Beth, Soda and Cola moved into Landgraab House Dorms.

Beth: For the record, Soda and Cola invited me, I didn't just move in with them.Lilo: College was hard, here is a pic of the "brilliant" Donald setting the kitchen on fire.

Donald: Just because I have not mastered the art of culinary does not mean you can outright mock me.Scott: Yeah, well we had 2 fires!Scott: My Sprite can cook better than the cafeteria lady.

Sprite: Thanks Scott sweetheart!

Cola *opens mouth*...

Jasmine: Don't even think about it Cola!Scott: And when we weren't experiencing fires we were experiencing floods, stupid cow mascot!Sprite: Here, we will tell our story first.

Lilo: Good idea!

Scott: I spent a lot of time hanging out with girls around the dorm. Scott: I was kind of afraid that it was bugging Sprite, even though I made sure to tell all the ladies that I was 100% taken.Scott: So I started hanging out with the guys.Scott: I also told them about the cool Greek House I was apart of. If I had known what the Randy guy was gonna do later I would have been totally beating the crap out of him, but unfortunately I didn't.

Beth: Oh, you didn't tell us what happened. Come on, spill the beans!

Sprite: OK, well me and Scott were kissing (completely normal by the way), when that Randy guy came up and slapped me!Scott: I lost it! He had no right to be pushing around my girl!Scott: So I let him have it...Scott: ... and I lost!Scott: So I pounded him again and won (my dignity back)!Scott: Then I paid him off so he would leave Sprite alone.

Sprite: You did that for me? How sweet!Sprite: He was really creepy after that. He just sat in a chair a lot. (note from the Queenofsimtopia: Randy is such a loser. He came up to Sprite once and charmed her (completely on his own by the way). They got a crush thing (which bugged me, Sprite is and always will be completely loyal to Scott). Now he thinks because she kissed her fiance she was cheating on him! When really it was he that was flirting with an engaged woman).Sprite: He scared me a little. Everytime I walked by he would stare at me.

Lilo: That's pretty sweet how Scott stuck up for you though!Sprite: Yeah it was pretty hard to say good-bye (this pic is showing us saying good-bye by the way). I knew I would miss him.

Scott: And I am a little worried about that Randy guy. He better not come near you again!

Jasmine: Sorry to stop you guys, but you are way ahead of us. Lets move on to something else...Soda: Hey Sprite! That is a pretty interesting look you have on your face there!Sprite: Yeah well, you didn't exactly manage to not look goofy either when *whoops I can't say that yet!*Scott: I was pretty surprised too!Donald: Lilo appears to also be experiencing the emotion we humans call confusion.Lilo: Hey! At least I didn't look like I was gonna wet myself, or hurl!Cola: It was totally freaky!Jasmine: I think Beth wins the funniest expression though!

Beth: I must admit, I look very weird!

Jasmine: What was happening you ask? Well...Jasmine: We were getting abducted into the Secret Society (we are allowed to talk about it cuz we are all members).*Queenofsimtopia note* Scott is a real ladies man. I am surprised he is not a romance sim!Cola: We will talk about what happened to us now. Go ahead Beth.Beth: Everything was normal, I was thankful they had invited me to move in. I started to notice that I was thinking about Sodapop an awful lot.Beth: I think I first noticed him one day when he was shirtless in the cafeteria. I have a weakness for fit guys.Beth: I thought about him lots. I even got tingles when I sat by him watching TV.Soda: One day I complimented her on her hair. I thought she was cute, but I sure wasn't expecting what she did next.Soda: She kissed me! And I liked it a lot.

Beth: *blushes*Soda: We started to kiss...Soda: ... a lot!Soda: I was starting to realize that this was a woman that I really loved and wanted to spend my life with.Beth: Me too. All I could think about was marrying you.Soda: After some intense making out...Soda: ... I asked the question.Soda: I was so happy when you accepted!

Beth: How could I have not?

Soda: But that wasn't the hard part, telling Cola was!Cola: I will admit, I knew something was up.Soda: I tried to talk about casual things like driving.Beth: I took the hint.

Cola: But I still knew something was wrong.Soda: So I told you, poor Beth was so nervous!Cola: I admit, I was shocked. Cola: I didn't know what to think about it. Cola: You guys seemed pretty in love to me. Cola: You even danced in your matching PJs! Cola: So I talked to Beth about it. I realized that she was awesome and I would love to have her as a sister-in-law. We became tight friends.
Lilo: Well, you didn't waste much time after that finding a boyfriend!

Donald and Cola: *both blush shyly*Cola: I knew imediately that I loved Donald, he was so smart and cute!

Lilo: *snorts*

Jasmine: *gives Lilo a warning look*Donald: When of the hardest actions I have preformed emotionally was proposing to my dear Cola.Cola: It was the sweetest thing ever, I imediately accepted.

Lilo: Now Jazzy dear, tell us about your "little" romance!Jasmine: It was nothing really...Lilo: Mhm you call nothing kissing on the deck while I try to watch a football game! It seemed like you two were glued together!

Jasmine: Well Lilo, since you are so interested in romance share with us about yours!Lilo: I didn't really like that guy, he was sweet, but not perfect. (Queenofsimtopia note: He is not Randy!!! He is just a clone, his name is Abjeet, or however you spell it)Donald: You two had many pointless disagreements in these two years. Lilo was constantly getting frustrated with Jasmine, especially when she accidentally broke the TV.

Lilo: In my defense I had to miss the golf championship that was on that night. Stupid repairmen don't make housecalls in the evenings. Jasmine: One of the highlights this year was watching the cheerleader kick the cow mascots butt!Jasmine: It turned out that that cow mascot is a real stud! (Queenofsimtopia *note to self* Kevin Hogan (aka the cow mascot) is a real hottie under that suit)Cola: Finally it was time for us to grow up and leave college, forever! I really need to go clothes shopping!Sprite: As do I!Jasmine: Me too!Lilo: It was hard saying good-bye to everyone. We will miss you lots!

Here are some pics of the Greek house Cujh Dibe Jacosp. The money came from the Secret Society glitch. I even installed the patch, but it didn't fix the problem.An outside view.The entryway has a lot of junk in it. You can see the 2 computers, some instruments,workout equpment and badge machine thingys. This room has a crappy layout, I just used it to store neccessary junk.Here is the dining area.That branches off into the kitchen. By the way there are 3 bathrooms in this house though I don't have pics of them.Here is the library, Donald's favorite room.The parlour has plenty of art easels and a piano.Here is an aerial view of the bedroom. And an aerial veiw of my favorite room, the party room. There is a fruit punch barrel, a kareoke machine,
a bubble blower, an electro dance sphere, a DJ booth,
an elevator,

and a bar. That's it!

Accomplishments: Cola, Sprite and Jasmine graduate with 4.0 GPA, all Secret Society members (no big sims on campus, I was far too lazy). Cola is engaged to Donald, Sprite is engaged to Scott, Beth is engaged to Soda. Oh and unmentioned before Lilo bought a clothing store (I don't remember its name).


At 9:34 AM, July 31, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Great update!! I'm so excited to see what happens to all the new adults! And I love the frat house you made, very creative party room!

At 10:18 AM, July 31, 2006, Blogger Lynnaea said...

Thanx Mandie. I love the party house too. I am so exited to play on the new adults! I actually am looking forward to Beth and Sodapop growing up next time. It's too bad they have to live in the Beverage household. That place is a dump!

At 6:57 AM, August 01, 2006, Blogger Roo said...

Love the update! Those faces they make while being inducted are hilarious! Well done!
Can't wait to hear how the rest of your story plays out.

At 1:55 PM, August 01, 2006, Blogger Lynnaea said...

Thanx for the kind comments you guys. I have another update almost ready (The Curtis family was quite easy... for now anyway!!)


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