Monday, April 10, 2006

The Curtis Family: Life as a Pleasure Sim (with twins)

Before I get started, here is another thing that happened after I loaded Open for Business. Hunter (or Marshal?) had been taking a shower last time when I quit. Well... that's what sims look like naked!

Anyway, told from Tia's point of view for 4 days: Hello everybody!

A typical rush! I forgot that I needed to call a nanny, bad parenting I suppose, so she arrived just minutes before my carpool left. Thank God I didn't miss it! The boys are very well behaved when I am gone. They do their homework... and play a lot of chess.

The nanny is quite capable of providing for the boys. She is very observant, and keeps an eye on them at all times.
She is also very good at cleaning up after herself (note form thequeenofsimtopia: Seriously, every time she pees she cleans the toilet after!)She is also very good at remembering to feed the boys.Though sometimes her cooking is not top standards!She always come in and reminds me to go to work. I should fire her for being such a nusiance! I am responsible enough to get to work on time! But I suppose she is quite reliable for an old granny.I do take brakes to enjoy myself (often). I am a pleasure sim!How did this pic get in here???? I found out from the nanny, that one day when I was at work, Hunter invited Beth over. He's such a show off!I don't quite know what to think, but the boy is quite keen on this Beth girl. I can't really complain seeing as how I love to date, but he's a little bit young to be talking about engagement!
It's obvious he is trying to impress her, talking about things he knows little about.At least I know that everything will be fine with the nanny there. When I got home I told Hunter that it was far past time for Beth to leave. It was time that he spent some time playing chess, like his admirable brother Marshal.A hug!?!?!?I joined little Marshal. I am not ashamed to admit that he beat me! OK, maybe I am, a little...Meanwhile, Hunter ate pie! Yes, pie! Well, it's obvious which child will be more successful as an adult...I have been keeping up with the dating scene..................... (note from the queenofsimtopia: Poor Remington, sorry but Tia really wanted to pull a prank on someone! As a gay maid you were the perfect candidate)............I wasn't too happy when the Matchmaker set me up with an old Headmaster guy.So, I influenced her to prank him... (note form thequeenofsimtopia: sorry I didn't get a picture of the prank. I was a little bit late...)............An old repariman!!!!!!!!!!...... I am sorry to say that I didn't exactly get along with some of the guys (cough Remington, cough cough)One day... yes I got a love letter! But I am not saying from who! Benjamen is another sweet guy (not the guy who wrote the love letter though). One night he dropped off a pretty plant on our doorstep. Maybe I should see him more often...
I must admit I have been getting along quite well with Joe. He is such a cutie!
I have noticed we all dream a lot at night time. Hunter dreams about Beth... I dream about Benjamen (and Joe!)... and jail!!!.... Marshal tends to dream about moving out! Not for a while mister...


Here is one of Tia's phone conversations with Joe. Tia: " I like meeting new people..." OK that was a little bit week Tia.Tia: "I want to have a baby!" OMG Tia, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? Tia "I like going on dates..." Well, I swear that there is no question why her husband left her...

I have been scoping the sims that walk by. She's not bad... Maybe she will be useful later...

Important Events: Tia reached 1st Date #20!!! She has actually been on way more but the dumb matchmaker keeps sending her the same guys!


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