Friday, March 31, 2006

The Disney Family: New Beginnings

John (adult male): family sim, lifetime want is to reach golden aniversary, turned on by make-up and black hair, turned off by fatness, capricorn, 7,4,3,6,5.

Nala (adult female): knowledge sim, lifetime want is to become chief of staff, turned on by fitness and brown hair, turned off by stink, leo, 4,8,4,4,5.

Jasmine (female teen): popularity sim, lifetime want is to become a general, turned on by cologne and fitness, turned off by makeup (I couldn't resist!), libra, 3,6,3,6,7.

Donald (male child): scorpio, 5,5,7,3,5.

Lilo (female child): scorpio (URGH, why are twins always the SAME!!!!!) 6,5,6,4,4.

History: Nala married John at the age of 17, believing that this was to be her true love, their chemistry was good and they had a great time together... for a while! 17 years, and three children later, Nala finds herself in a relationship that she wants to escape! Angry with John for losing his job, Nala convinces him to take the family, away, to start over. Donald and Lilo are indifferent about the moving, but Jasmine is furious. Will the family stop their feuding and join together as one???

Told from John's point of view for 3 days: Helloooo everybody! John Disney here! Life in Prosperity Hills is great!

The house isn't much, but the close proximity is going to help us grow together as a family! I am so happy! I found a new calling. Obviously my previous job, as Senior Officer in the Military was not for me, or I wouldn't have got fired! Right? Anyway, I love toymaking! The thought of making hundreds of little kids happy really makes me feel great!
I don't know why Nala still insisted on getting a job, though. I am sure the toy shop will make enough money to build us our dream home (eventually)! Donald and Lilo love the toy bricks I made for them! Aren't they so cute?That Donald's gonna be a real smart one, like his father! It took me no time to teach him the basics of studying, Lilo on the other hand is hopeless! Ah, girls will be girls I guess.If Jasmines any example! All that girl does is talk on the phone to her old friends. I tried to get her to invite some other kids over, but she wouldn't hear of it! The kids are quite obediant and do their homework every night without fail. I suppose if they didn't their mother would blow! Nala is such a great wife! Look at her running that cashier! She's not the best one for the job, but it's the effort that counts! Well, that's all for now! Maybe next time you see me the Toyshop will be booming! (note from thequeenofsimtopia: I love how oblivious John is! It is so much fun writing from his point of view!)


Look at that customers face! I know Nala's bad, but really!


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